
Z-Flock at Puerto Rico FreeFall Fest 2006

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Hey flockers!

Z-Flock will be in Puerto Rico on Feb. 8-12. There is a bunch of jumpers (wingsuiters and soon be) from Z-Hills that are officially going. 'Scary' Perry and I will be there with a fleet of Phoenix Fly demos to organize, instruct and capture all the action and beauty of the island. Matt (The111) will be there representing Bird-Man with his demos and instruction. There will be a Skyvan, a Caravan, and a King Air. High Altitude Jumps and Beach Jumps EVERY DAY. For more details go to www.xtremedivers.com or call (787) 852-2727.
Oh! I almost forgot I will take the flock on an ecotour that they will never forget.

So far, here is a list of the 'seasoned flockers' (not including the bunch of rookies and soon to be Z-Flockers):

1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "my eyes"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware (hope you feel better bro)
6 Scott Bland (Maybe)

...and others that I cant' remember at the moment, but by the time this weekend is over there will be a few more. Look for the ad in the Nov.'05 issue of Parachutist.

Please add yourself or anyone you know that is going for sure, so we can plan accordingly.

P.S. If you haven't made up your mind yet, check out last year's. VIDEO

C-YA in paradise

ZF#5 , HISPA#70
Blue Skies...
...Big Fat Clouds

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1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "My Eyes!"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware
6 Scott Bland
7 Nathaniel
8 Zach "Buried"

The Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport (SJU). Nomally, my brother or my syster find me better deals than I can. And usually they do it very close to the date when I plan to fly. So I don't think you should wait for me, but I'll still let you know when I get it. I'm glad you and Nate are going. You're gonna have a blast.


ZF#5 , HISPA#70
Blue Skies...
...Big Fat Clouds

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You mo'flucker!!!! How dare you not mention me on that list!!! I'm not z-flocker but I'm PR-Flocker #1 for sure! The previous PR record is a 6-way (attempt)....so this time we all going to the books for sure. Hopefully my baby decide to be born after the boogie...if not, oh well there is always next year.

Ivan "Rock On"

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OK I was only going to mention the ones that are going, but I guess I should have included the local flockers. Sorry Ivan IWY :D

1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "My Eyes!"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware
6 Scott Bland
7 Nathaniel
8 Zach "Buried"
9 Ivan "Rock On"
10 Danny "Tommy Boy" (droquette)
11 Jose "Turtle"

There's a few more locals but they are not confirmed yet.

ZF#5 , HISPA#70
Blue Skies...
...Big Fat Clouds

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- "Finally I will see, once again my friends from PR"

Cool!Aren't you the medusa that had the funky head gear a couple of years ago? -

- " can you put me down as a possibly?"

Macca I will but I shouldn't :P, 'cause I need as many 'definites' as possible (for planning purposes), but I know you'll give me a definite soon, right? Right. -

- Are you going Chuck? -

Ok, here is the updated list:

1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "My Eyes!"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware
6 Scott Bland
7 Nathaniel
8 Zach "Buried"
9 Ivan "Rock On"
10 Danny "Tommy Boy" (droquette)
11 Jose "Turtle"
12 Medusa
13 Macca (Zeemax) - (possibly)

Can you guys just copy the list and paste it with your name when you post (or reply) for the first time that your going? That way I don't have to do that every single time someone signs up, and it makes it a little easier to keep track. Also it won't bump up this thread unnecessarily.


ZF#5 , HISPA#70
Blue Skies...
...Big Fat Clouds

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Song (Delta's sub airline, www.flysong.com) has a $115 from Orlando (MCO) to SJU so you could jury rig a schedule to MCO from ORD around MCO<-> SJU for around $200. I don't think that the major travel websites search Song by default. -- oops, that's the one way fare

Pan am does a flight from Orlando to San Juan, but it's $125 and the dates aren't as good, Feb 9 - Feb 12.

That at least brings it to $315 or so

ATA's website gives MDW <->SJU at $360

make it happen already
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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Dude! Good to know your coming back to the island. Try to bring Juliana and Katy over so I can finally meet them.

Yess, I will like to see more Colombians jumping in international boogies.:(

Juliana & Katy are terrific cool people & beutifull good looking girls too.;)

Right now I'm in florida, I will have to wait to go back to Colombia in december, to see who else want to go with me to P.R.B|

Get Killed or Die Trying!
Patent pending ATFK15456

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if i left ORD next weekend I could get flights for ~220...

Zach, I am not sure about international, but the few times I've flown domestic recently, if I try to look for tickets TOO far in advance, they are more expensive than if I wait a while. It seems the optimum time to buy is 6-8 weeks ahead of time. Before or after that time period, prices are higher. Someone correct me if I'm wrong... I am not by any means a frequent flyer but this seems true based on what I've observed recently.

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1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "My Eyes!"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware
6 Scott Bland
7 Nathaniel
8 Zach "Buried"
9 Ivan "Rock On"
10 Danny "Tommy Boy" (droquette)
11 Jose "Turtle"
12 Medusa
13 Macca (Zeemax) - (possibly)
14 myself...
anyone else notice the complete lack of t&a?
anticipate 300-400$ on airfare... 300 being a pretty good deal...
where can i find more logistical information about the area? (accomodations/camping?/airport location/carrental? etc...

ps... puerto rico base?

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It seems the optimum time to buy is 6-8 weeks ahead of time. Before or after that time period, prices are higher.

I think you're pretty much on the mark here. long in advance they just quote you their regular economy rate. Cheaper fares are when discount rates are applied if/when the airline puts out promotions or tries to shore up weak demand. These only get applied in 2-3 month installments, or so it seems. And then when you get close to the actual flight the stakes get raised, because they figure they can gouge you if you really need to go, but on the other hand if you're noncommittal they'd rather have a couple hundred bucks than none if there's open seats left.
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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Woo Hoo!!!!
I gotta find a wing suit to borrow...ScaryPerry are you gonna have any Acro suits with you (NO OMAR - it's my turn!!!!!)????

1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "My Eyes!"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware
6 Scott Bland
7 Nathaniel
8 Zach "Buried"
9 Ivan "Rock On"
10 Danny "Tommy Boy" (droquette)
11 Jose "Turtle"
12 Medusa
13 Macca (Zeemax) - (possibly)
14 Bryan Rapoza (avenfoto)
15 Mark (normiss)

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